DefineTo develop a brand for this floral and gift shop, I needed to understand the brand and it’s users. By conducting quick desk research of competitive brands in the local and online florist market, and the user/client base, I was able to determine some needs of the identity and who it should appeal to.
Who?Women are the largest consumers of flowers, with almost 80% percent of flower sales being attributed to female customers. Also, it’s interesting to note that over 60% of flower sales are bought for the person who is actually buying them. Consumers consist of Home Flower Buyers, Gift Givers, Corporate Buyers, Event Buyers (weddings etc) and Funeral Home Flowers. Male Gift Giver
Finalize / BrandingThe client chose the logo that they felt best represented their brand as a local florist & gift shop, knowing that the main appeal would be women, as well as a few men. They felt this logo expressed the essence of their business as locally grown and friendly.
LogoColorsColor is an important element of any brand. A black logo is extremely flexible and cost effective for a small business, so that needed to be part of the final solution. Additionally, I chose a color scheme inspired by fresh green of eucalyptus, and the traditional gold to add a fresh and upscale feel to the overall color story.
TypographyI thoughtfully used typography to reflect the simplicity and personality of the brand. I chose a retro American Typewriter for that local hometown feel paired with a modern Futura for contrast.
ImageryImagery is a powerful mode of communication. Each image selected for Danville Flower Company needs to show off their amazing locally grown flowers and greenery. The images need to b crisp and full of color. The idea behind the Instagram/social media artwork is to show off the flowers, identify the business, appeal to the target audience (mainly women except for holidays) and contain a call to action.